viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

Vigils in memory of Orlando Zapata Tamayo

List of events in honor of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, who died on Tuesday 23 February after 85 days of hunger strike to demand the rights of all Cubans:

Friday 26, 8.00 PM:

"Vigil for the murder of political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo.
Location: Monument to the Martyrs of Brigade 2506 SW 8th Street and 13th Avenue.
(Please attend with black clothes and carrying a candle or picture of Orlando Zapata)

Saturday 27, from 10:00 a.m.:

"In Miami: Funeral symbolic Orlando Zapata Tamayo
Location: Casa del Preso, 1140 SW 13 Avenue.

At four p.m. former Cuban political prisoners held a mass. It allows us to go with a flower (no wreaths) and written messages of condolence.


1 comentario:

Politicamente Incorrecto dijo...

--Todos los cubanos que amamos la Patria sentimos la muerte de Zapata Tamayo, pero entendemos que a veces los hombres solos no tienen suficiente fuerza como para derrocar tiranías tan represivas y entonces necesitamos a uno de los nuestro que personalmente vaya a reclamarle a Dios. Un Abrazo.